CS130: Spring 2022

Tools and Technologies of the World Wide Web

CS130: Spring 2022


Note: This schedule is subject to change (as needed).

Week Topic Due
Week 1 03/29/22 Tue, 03/29 Lesson 1 Intro to the Course
03/30/22 Wed, 03/30 Lesson 2 Intro to HTML
04/01/22 Fri, 04/01 Tutorial 1 HW0 Signup for a Discussion Section!
Tutorial 1 Installation & Configuration
Week 2 04/04/22 Mon, 04/04 Lesson 3 Web Infrastructure
04/06/22 Wed, 04/06 Lesson 4 Intro to CSS: The DOM, Selectors, & the Cascade
04/08/22 Fri, 04/08 Tutorial 2 Tutorial 2 Getting Started with GitHub
Week 3 04/11/22 Mon, 04/11 Lesson 5 Principles of Visual Design
04/13/22 Wed, 04/13 Lesson 6 Intro to Design with Accessibility in Mind (with Victoria Chávez)
04/15/22 Fri, 04/15 Tutorial 3 Tutorial 3 Design Lab: Make a Homepage
Week 4 04/18/22 Mon, 04/18 Lesson 7 Creating Page Layouts w/CSS: Flex
04/20/22 Wed, 04/20 Lesson 8 Creating Page Layouts w/CSS: Grid HW1 Design & Accessibility Analysis
04/22/22 Fri, 04/22 Tutorial 4 Tutorial 4 CSS Grid & Media Queries
Week 5 04/25/22 Mon, 04/25 Lesson 9 CSS Fun
04/27/22 Wed, 04/27 Lesson 10 Intro to JavaScript
04/29/22 Fri, 04/29 Tutorial 5 HW2 HTML & CSS Practice: Spotify
Tutorial 5 Practice manipulating the DOM with JavaScript
Week 6 05/02/22 Mon, 05/02 Lesson 11 Intro to Programming with JavaScript
05/04/22 Wed, 05/04 Lesson 12 Lists, objects & loops
05/06/22 Fri, 05/06 Tutorial 6 Tutorial 6 Music Player
05/08/22 Sun, 05/08 P1 Project Proposal
Week 7 05/09/22 Mon, 05/09 Lesson 13 More Practice with JavaScript
05/11/22 Wed, 05/11 Lesson 14 Working with Data: AJAX & Web APIs HW3 Photo Carousel
05/13/22 Fri, 05/13 Tutorial 7 P2 Project Meeting
Tutorial 7 Starting the Spotify JS Homework
Week 8 05/16/22 Mon, 05/16 Lesson 15 Spotify Activity
05/18/22 Wed, 05/18 Lesson 16 Integrating Third-Party UI Components
05/20/22 Fri, 05/20 Tutorial 8 P3 Project Checkpoint: First Deliverable
Tutorial 8 Informal Project Presentations [Mandatory Attendance]
Week 9 05/23/22 Mon, 05/23 Lesson 17 Data Visualization
05/25/22 Wed, 05/25 Lesson 18 Alternative Inputs / Outputs HW4 Working Spotify Interface
05/27/22 Fri, 05/27 Tutorial 9 Tutorial 9: Optional: Use for Office Hours
05/29/22 Sun, 05/29 P4 Project Checkpoint: Second Deliverable
Week 10 05/30/22 Mon, 05/30 Lesson 19 Memorial Day
06/01/22 Wed, 06/01 Lesson 20 Domain Names & Analytics
06/03/22 Fri, 06/03 Presentation Final Project Presentations [Mandatory Attendance]
06/05/22 Sun, 06/05 P5 Final Project Deliverable