CS130: Spring 2022

Tools and Technologies of the World Wide Web

CS130: Spring 2022

Lessons > Tutorial 7. Starting the Spotify JS Homework

Due on Fri, 05/13 @ 11:59PM. 2.5 Points.

For today’s tutorial, please work with your peer mentor to get started on Homework 4. You know everything that you need to know to complete it! If you can, please try to accomplish at least Step 1 (Display Artist) and ideally Step 2 (Display Tracks).

Turn in your files via GitHub

To get credit for Tutorial 7, you will just publish what you’ve accomplished so far in Homework 4 to GitHub. To do this:

  1. Edit the homepage that you made in Tutorial 3 by adding a link to the hw04/your_task/index.html file that you worked on today.
  2. Stage all of your changes.
  3. Commit your changes (with a message).
  4. Push / sync your changes with the server.
  5. Wait a couple of minutes to verify that your changes have indeed been posted.

Paste a link to your GitHub repo and to your GitHub pages in the Tutorial 07 Canvas submission.