CS130: Spring 2022

Tools and Technologies of the World Wide Web

CS130: Spring 2022

Lessons > 2. Intro to HTML

Exercise Files


Lecture Video(s)


  1. James Williamson Playlist 1: Formatting Page Content with HTML .
    Please review the following sections:
    • Welcome
    • The importance of HTML
    • Basic HTML syntax
    • Exploring an HTML document
    • Using headings
    • Formatting paragraphs
    • Controlling line breaks
    • Displaying images
    • Exploring the anchor element
    • Linking to pages within your site
    • Linking to external pages
    • Linking to regions
    • Unordered lists
    • Ordered lists
  2. (2021). HTML Resources. CS 130 Course Website
    Please review the following sections:
    • HTML Resources
    • Rules of Thumb
    • Text Markup Tags
    • Hyperlinks
    • Image Tags
    • Media Tags
    • Compound Tags
    • Form Tags

Optional Readings

In this lesson, we will review how web pages get rendered in your web browser, and how HTML, CSS, and JavaScript work together to create web pages.