CS130: Spring 2022

Tools and Technologies of the World Wide Web

CS130: Spring 2022

Project Checkpoint: Second Deliverable

Due on Sun, 05/29 @ 11:59PM. 6 Points.

Your Tasks

This deliverable has the exact same prompts as the P3 deliverable. Please post the following to the Canvas discussion forum:

  1. Some representation of your progress (e.g., code, design drafts, etc.) (Q1 from last week).
  2. Answers the 4 reflective questions (Q2-Q5 from last week).

Please also give project feedback to 2 of your classmates.


  • [3 points] Completes rough draft of the deliverable
  • [2 points] Submits a thoughtful reflection / next steps document (can be short)
  • [1 point] Posts 2 comments on their classmate’s posts (by Tuesday evening, 5/31).