CS130: Spring 2022

Tools and Technologies of the World Wide Web

CS130: Spring 2022

Lessons > 11. Intro to Programming with JavaScript

Exercise Files


Lecture Video(s)


  1. Flavio Copes (2021). The JavaScript Beginner's Handbook. O'Reilly
    Please read pp. 25-26, 38-44
  2. Playlist: Functions. JavaScript Essential Training (LinkedIn Learning)
    Select videos from 8. Functions and Methods
  3. Playlist: Events. JavaScript Essential Training (LinkedIn Learning)
    Select videos from 9. Events

Today we’ll continue learning about the building blocks of programming, with a focus on functions, events, and conditionals.

  • Conditionals are reviewed on pp. 25-26 of the readings.
  • Functions are reviewed on pp. 38-44.
  • Event Listeners are reviewed in the assigend Safari Books video.