CS130: Spring 2022

Tools and Technologies of the World Wide Web

CS130: Spring 2022

Assignments > Homework 1. Signup for a Discussion Section!

Due on Fri, 04/01 @ 11:59PM. 0 Points.

Tutorial Sign-Ups

As described in the syllabus, this course involves weekly tutorial sessions where you will will work in smaller groups with a member of the teaching staff. Tutorials begin this week, and will be run synchronously (live) by your assigned peer mentors via Zoom. During each tutorial session, you will work through an exercise / series of exercises together with your peer mentor to advance your understanding of various web concepts. Tutorial sessions count for 20% of your grade and your weekly attendance is strongly encouraged.

Please sign-up for a tutorial using this sign-up sheet . The locations of the sections will be decided in the coming days.

Pre-Course Questionnaire

In addition, please fill out the pre-course questionnaire (if you haven’t already). This will help us to understand a bit about your background and what you hope to gain from the course!