CS130: Spring 2022

Tools and Technologies of the World Wide Web

CS130: Spring 2022

Assignments > Homework 1. Design & Accessibility Analysis

Due on Wed, 04/20 @ 11:59PM. 10 Points.

Pick a site you use often to conduct a design and accessibility review on it. Your report/review may be in written or video form. Your report /review should include:

  • Images/video captures of the site
  • Relevant links to the site
  • Relevant links to and/or images/video captures of similar sites for comparisons

Composition Analysis (5 points)

As you answer the questions below, keep in mind the principles of composition (contrast, repetition, alignment, and proximity).

  • What website did you analyze?
  • What values and priorities does this website communicate (e.g., what is most important, least important, etc.)?
  • How does the design help to communicate these priorities?
  • What are the strengths of the design of this website?
  • What are the limitations of the design of this website?
  • Are there comparable websites that do a better job with composition? Please describe.

Accessibility Analysis (5 points)

As you answer the questions below, connect your responses to some of the tools and principles from the readings, as well as the ideas that Victoria discussed in the accessibility lecture.

  • What accessibility checks did you do (please include screenshots if applicable)?
  • How did you do them?
  • How accessible was the site?
  • What changes could/should it make to improve its accessibility?
  • Are there comparable websites that do a better job with accessibility? Please describe.

What to turn in

To submit this week’s homework assignment, upload your document or video to Canvas.


Some things we will be looking for in your write up:

  • Examines the merits and limitations of the use of contrast, repetition, alignment, and proximity in the interface, using screenshots to illustrate points.
  • Considers how the design communicates priorities and values.
  • Clearly describes how accessibility was assessed.
  • Describes how comparable sites fare with respect to visual design and accessibility.
  • Writing is clearly presented.