CS130: Spring 2022

Tools and Technologies of the World Wide Web

CS130: Spring 2022

Final Project Deliverable

Due on Sun, 06/05 @ 11:59PM. 18 Points.

What to turn in

For your final deliverable, please write a reflection / self assessment (1-2 pages) that includes the following:

  1. A link to your code repository
  2. A link to your live website
  3. A summary of your project and your process of making the website (feel free to draw from earlier text that you wrote). Please be sure to describe:
    • The overall goal of your project and intended audience.
    • The web technologies / libraries / techniques you used.
    • 1-2 things you learned in the process of completing your project.
    • How you believe you should be evaluated (list your accomplishments and how they relate to the themes of the class). Bullets fine.
    • How you think you did on this project given the evaluation criteria you selected.
    • What your next steps would be if you had more time.
  4. Accessibility Questionnaires (if you haven’t yet filled out this form):
    • This quarter, we assigned a few accessibility activities – to encourage you to think about how people might interact with your applications without mouse or using a screen reader. To reflect on this process, please fill out the Accessibility Questionnaire.
    • We also wanted to invite you to participate in a research study – to examine and reflect on how to better teach students about accessibility within the software development process. Please fill out this Consent to participate in research form to let us know whether or not you are willing participate in this study. Participation in the study is optional, but please still fill out the form.


In evaluating your final project, the course staff and I will take the following into account (note that different criteria apply differently, depending on the direction of your project):

  • The time/effort you put into your project, and your intellectual curiosity
  • Your reflection of your own learning and possible next steps
  • Your instantiation of the design / coding / web architecture principles
  • The coding and design elements that you used to bring your idea to life
Category Points Evaluation Criteria
Scope 4
  • Was the scope of your project commensurate with your level of experience?
  • Did everyone on your team substantively contribute to the project?
  • Did you take into account all of the project feedback that was given to you (if applicable)?
  • Did you go out and research new technologies and figure out how to instantiate your ideas?
  • Did you push yourself to really engage with the ideas presented in the course on your own terms?
  • Did you take any risks (e.g. try to learn something you didn’t initially know how to do)?
Reflection 4
  • Did you write a thoughtful reflection of the intent of the project and any lessons learned?
  • Did you address all of the prompts (specified above)?
Execution of the project 10
  • Did you arrive at a reasonable stopping point by the end?
  • Does your code works as intended?
  • Did you meet the evaluation criteria that you set for yourself in the reflection document?
Extra credit 2
  • Please give some thoughtful feedback to 2 or more of your classmates.