CS130: Spring 2021

Intro to the Web

CS130: Spring 2021

Lessons > Tutorial 6. Music Player

Due on Fri, 05/07 @ 11:59PM. 2.5 Points.

Download Tutorial Files Solutions

Today you will be writing the code that allows you to view and listen to samples of songs by Bob Dylan. Specifically, you will:

  1. Write the code to output the names of each song and its corresponding album image.
  2. Write an event handler so that when your user clicks on any album, the song preview should play in the audio player.


This week in tutorial, we’re going to review some concepts that will hopefully be helpful in Homework 3. Please download the tutorial06 files and save them to your /cs130/tutorials folder. Before you begin, take stock of the files you have been given (except for the hints):

Open the index.html in VS Code. Note that the body of index.html doesn’t have much in it other than a header section, a main section, and an audio tag (which uses HTML5’s built-in audio functionality).

Now open index.js in VS Code. At the top, there are a list of tracks by Bob Dylan, represented as a list of object. Each object has 4 properties:

  • id: a Spotify ID
  • name: the name of the track
  • preview_url: a link to a 30-second clip of the track
  • image_url: a link to an image of the album.

Below this list are two notes and some starter code (explained in more detail below).

The styles.css is pretty straightforward. Nothing new here. Feel free to modify this file however you like.

Please preview the index.html file in your browser. Note that when you click the one card shown, the song plays.

Your Tasks

Please complete the following two tasks:

1. Output all of the song names and album covers to the screen

Write some code that iterates through every item in your tracks list and outputs a card to the screen for each track.

  • If you get stuck, take a look at hints/hint-1.js
  • Note that there is an attribute on the div tag called “data-index”, which indicates where the track is positioned in the list. You will be taking advantage of this in part 2.

2. Modify the playSong() event handler

Modify the playSong() event handler so that it loads in the track associated with the album that has just been clicked. If you were successful, it should look like this (but don’t view the source of the example just yet!):


  • Hint 1: How can you make use of the “data-index” attribute to access the corresponding preview_url from the original tracks list?
  • Hint 2: If you get stuck, take a look at hints/hint-2.js

Optional: feel free to switch out the tracks

If you want, you can search for songs and tracks that YOU LIKE. Do to this, please navigate to this link and search for some more suitable data:

You’ll put your search term directly after the ?q= (replace the%20arcade%20fire). And if you want to adjust the number of results returned, you’ll adjust the limit=3 query parameter.

When you’ve found a song you like, just replace the values of id, name, preview_url and image_url in one of your tracks and test it out!

Turn in your files via GitHub

Move your tutorial06 folder into your repo folder (if it’s not there already). Then, before you submit this week, please edit the homepage that you made in Tutorial 4 by adding a link to the index.html file that you made in today’s tutorial. When you’re done:

  1. Check the status of your repo:
    $ git status
    It should say that your tutorial06 files are “untracked”
  2. Add all of your tutorial06 files to the list of files that are tracked by the repo:
    $ git add tutorial06
  3. Check the status of your repo again:
    $ git status
    It should now say that you tutorial06 files are being tracked.
  4. Now, commit your new tutorial06 files to the repo:
    $ git commit -m "Adding my tutorial06 to the repo"
  5. Finally, “push” your files to GitHub:
    $ git push
  6. Paste a link to your GitHub repo and to your GitHub pages